CURE Applauds Commerce Committee Vote for Deb Miller

CURE Applauds Commerce Committee Vote for Deb Miller

January 14, 2014 Contact: Mark Hayes | 703.907.5652 | WASHINGTON, D.C. – Steve Sharp, of the Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation and President of Consumers United for Rail Equity (CURE), welcomed the unanimous support of the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee for Deb Miller as a member of the Surface Transportation Board (STB). “We’re pleased by the Commerce Committee’s quick action and unanimous support for Deb Miller. She’s had a distinguished career and we look forward to working with her as a new Commissioner of the STB. “We also hope the full Senate will confirm her as soon as possible to prevent a void in the critical role STB plays ensuring that rail dependent shippers benefit from healthy competition within the freight rail industry.” CURE is an advocacy group that represents a large cross section of freight rail customers who are dependent on freight railroads for their transportation needs.
